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LiNC - Love in Nevada County
Welcome to LiNC

We will never change the world by going to church.
We will change the world by BEING the church.
About Us

LiNC was born out of a dream to unite followers of Jesus from different denominations, non-denominations and backgrounds in Western Nevada County in a common purpose: to be the hands and feet of Jesus to our community.  The founders of this movement accomplished this by creating Community Serve Events that served local non-profits, municipalities, schools, and others.

These Community Serve Events began in 2016, but have been dormant for a few years. We're bringing them BACK!  All followers of Jesus are invited to join us as we unite to serve and love on our community together. Let's BE the church in ACTION!

Saturday, 10/26/24
9 AM - 2 PM
Lead: Scott Richert

We will be clearing and hauling brush from around structures to help the ranch create defensible space. Chain saws, a chipper, loppers and clippers will be used.   This project may not be best suited for small children for safety reasons.

Saturday, 10/26/24
9 AM - 2 PM
Leads: Jerry & Cissy Murphy

We will be sanding, scraping and painting the main bleachers and supports of the ball park, the dugout benches, and the smaller bleachers, and general cleanup of the bleachers areas.. This project will be suitable for all ages. and abilities.

Saturday, 10/26/24
9 AM - 2 PM
Lead: Scott Maddock

We will be helping the school district by clearing brush at Seven Hills Middle School, Deer Creek School  and the District office. This project will involve, weedeating, hedge pruning, raking, & hauling small branches. This project will be suitable for all ages.



Contact Us

Have questions? Want to get involved? We'd love to hear from you!

Frequently Asked Questions

  • How can I become a LiNC volunteer?

    Use this link https://www.signupgenius.com/go/10C0A4CAAA92AA2FDC07-51036499-linc to take you to Sign Up Genius where you may fill out our Fall 2024 Lince Community Serve Event volunteer form.  If you have trouble with this process, please don't hesitate to email us for help at linccommunityserve@gmail.com. We will be happy to guide you through the process.

  • What kind of volunteer opportunities are available?

    We offer a variety of volunteer opportunities. We have three service projects slated for our Fall 2024 Community Serve Event:  Christian Encounter Ranch (brush clearing), Memorial Park (bleacher and benches refresh), and Nevada City School District (weedeating and general yard cleanup of walkways)

  • Do I need prior experience to volunteer?

    No prior experience is necessary for most projects, while some projeccts may require certain skills. We welcome volunteers from all backgrounds and provide training and support!

  • Where are you located?

    We do not have an office. We are simply a group of local believers who are volunteers from multiple local churches here in Western Nevada County who are collaborating together to create this LiNC COMMUNITY SERVE EVENT. The best way to reach us is to email linccommunityserve@gmail.com.

  • I'm unable to participate in LiNC Community Serve Events. How can I support the work of LiNC?

    LiNC is able to organize and promote these Community Serve Events by the gracious support we receive from local congregations and individuals. The costs related to this are: web hosting fees, Sign Up Genius yearly fee, snacks for volunteers at the projects sites, purchasing t-shirts for the volunteers, renting equipment when needed for a project, etc. These funds are being stewarded by Abundant Life Community Church (ALCC) in Grass Valley. ALCC has been an active supporter and participating congregation since LiNC's inception in 2016.  An accounting of these funds is available at any time upon request. If you would like to help support the LiNC Community Serve Events, please use the link below (coming soon!).  100% of this support goes directly to the Community Serve Events. Everyone leading LiNC and everyone serving at the Community Serve Events are volunteers. Have questions? Please email us linccommunityserve@gmail.com

“A new command I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another.  By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another.”  John 13:34-35
How do I sign up to volunteer?

We're using Sign Up Genius to organize volunteers.  It's easy to do!  Just following this link - you do NOT need to create an account to sign up to volunteer for this event:

You'll be asked to RSVP by choosing a LiNC Fall 2024 Community Serve Event Project, give your name, email address and home congregation. 

Sign Up!